What I've done this week:
I've almost finished the card images for the Vitality suit
I made up a black&white sketch version of the cards and I've asked several people to be "alpha testers" so I can see what this all looks like from an outside perspective!
I did more edits of the LWB, in preparation for the testers
Also I made an appointment for my first COVID vaccine :)
What I'd like to do:
I want to get started on images for the next suit, which is Affinity
I want to start incorporating the feedback from the testers
What I've learned:
What I think I'm doing and saying with this deck, is maybe not what is actually coming forth from it -- I'm too close to it right now, I can't evaluate it
It's a really good thing to get advice from lots of different sources... and I don't have to act on it immediately (or at all)!
Takeaway: if I trust in my own process and my own knowing, the answers will come quietly from within, and they'll be the right ones for me.