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Progress this month

Writer's picture: traceylynnfishertraceylynnfisher

What I've done this month:

  • I made corrections to the prototype deck (coloration, spacing, a few card design changes) and uploaded it to the online printer

  • I made huge changes to the "little white book" -- which is now not so little, at 132 pages! -- and created a cover for it (see above; the finished product also has print on the back cover which the printer will add in) and uploaded them to the online printer

  • I finally figured out how to do the box design, and what format it needed to be in to upload successfully, and uploaded it. It's a magnetic-clasp box, which I'm really excited about!

  • I ordered one copy of all of the above, and now I wait for about two weeks until it arrives!!!

  • I've done more research on Kickstarter, and I'm seriously considering launching a campaign there to get the deck funded. There is a surprisingly (to me) large number of indie tarot deck designers there, and quite a few get funded!

What I'd like to do:

  • Start working on a Kickstarter -- there's quite a bit to it! For example, how do I set a price for this deck?

  • Think more about marketing (my least favorite part of this!) and where I can sell this deck

  • Do more testing of the spreads in the back of the book before I settle on them completely -- I did a reading the other day that didn't make very much sense, I think because the card position meanings were off

What I've learned:

  • I resist asking for help -- I'd much rather try to figure out something myself, than ask someone who knows how to do it. Part of this is that I like to learn how to do new things, but the bigger part is that I want to keep total control of every aspect of this project! And I think that's kind of a flaw in my "business plan."

  • I must be thinking more of myself as a tarot deck designer, because recently I introduced myself to a new acquaintance as exactly that!

  • Most of the people I encounter don't know much about tarot!

  • I just realized my photo on the book cover above has a black dot on my lip, must have been a slip of the Apple Pencil (how did I miss that?) and besides, I just got my hair cut and I really love my new style -- so I'll be updating the photo on the next go-around!


  • I'd like to come up with an "elevator speech" to explain in a few sentences not only what tarot is, but why my deck is unique and special

  • I'd like to find a tarot community and join in -- I'm taking an online tarot workshop this weekend, and I'd like to do more of that

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